
Agenda Highlights:

Plenary session:

Prof. UAM dr hab. Jacek Pyżalski

Co generatywna sztuczna inteligencja (z)robi ze szkołą?

Jacek Pyżalski – Profesor na Wydziale Studiów Edukacyjnych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Pomysłodawca, kierownik i wykonawca ponad sześćdziesięciu międzynarodowych i krajowych projektów badawczych, w tym prestiżowych projektów międzynarodowych tj. ECIP, EU Kids Online, ySkills (Horyzont 2020), Lights4Violence (Horyzont 2020). Reprezentant Polski w czterech pięciu akcjach COST Europejskiej Fundacji Nauki. Autor licznych publikacji, w tym pierwszej na polskim rynku monografii naukowej dotyczącej cyberprzemocy. Wiceprezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Edukacji Medialnej. Członek Rady Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej oraz rady programowej Fundacji Orange. Członek Komitetu Nauk Pedagogicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Członek Zespołu ds. Zespołu ds. Przeciwdziałania Uzależnieniom Behawioralnym w Krajowym Centrum Przeciwdziałania Uzależnieniom oraz członek Rady Naukowej Holistic Think Tank. Wielokrotnie nagradzany za działalność naukową, m. in. nagrodą im. prof. Tomasza Hofmokla w kategorii „Społeczeństwo Informacyjne” (NASK), nagrodą na Nagroda na stulecie UAM Doskonałość w nauce -użyteczność w praktyce). Czterokrotnie na liście 100 osób, które przyczyniły się do rozwoju kompetencji cyfrowej w Polsce decyzją Kapituły Polskiego Szerokiego Porozumienia na Rzecz Rozpowszechnienia Umiejętności Cyfrowych (obecnie na Liście Honorowej). Pomysłodawca i redaktor pierwszego w Polsce podręcznika do kryzysowej edukacji zdalnej, pt. Edukacja w czasach pandemii wirusa COVID- 19. Z dystansem o tym, co robimy obecnie jako nauczyciele.


Russell Stannard

How AI technologies are impacting language education.

Russell Stannard is a multi award-winning Educational Technologist and founder of www.teachertrainingvideos.com. He has more than 80,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He received awards from the British Council ELTONS, the Times Higher and the University of Westminster for his work in the use of ICT in education. He trains language educators in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. His focus is on the use of technology outside of the classroom to extend learning options for students but he has also worked on the development of blended learning delivery and more recently AI. He has presented in more than 50 countries.

His customers include many of the large publishing houses, software companies creating educational content and many different universities from around the world. He also runs several popular courses with the Norwich Institute for Language Education including Technologies and Approaches to Blended, Hybrid and Online Teaching ( TABHOT) which has been taken by 100s of teachers around the world and has received very positive feedback.


Lynn Zimmerman

AI and education: Opportunities and challenges

Lynn W. Zimmerman, Professor Emerita of Education, Purdue University, Indiana, USA is a teacher trainer focusing on TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the US and internationally. She has been a secondary TEFL Peace Corps volunteer in Poland, a Fulbright Scholar in Poland, Belarus, and Moldova, an English Language Fellow in Albania, and an English Language Specialist in Chad, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan. Currently, she is a Fulbright Distinguished Teaching Scholar at Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowska w Lublinie, Department of English and American Studies.




Rob Howard, IATEFL President

The Best AI Technology for your Classroom is You

Rob Howard is the owner of the Online Language Center and Business Language Training Institute. He is a teacher, trainer, ELT author and frequent worldwide speaker on Business English, Teacher Development, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, teaching online, and using or not using technology. He is the current IATEFL Poland president, past Joint Coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG and IATEFL BESIG Web and Online team, member of the EdYOUfest Academic Team, founder of the Independent Authors & Publishers and EFLtalks and has presented for Gallery Teachers Masterclasses, iTDi TOEFL training, ELI Publishing, and Macmillan Publishers, to name a few.






Alicja Wujec-Kaczmarek (MCWE/UO Opole), Aleksandra Szymańska, PhD (UO Opole, PLO1 Opole)

AI for school teachers

The presentation explores the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of teaching English as a foreign language, shedding light on the significant benefits it offers to educators. With a focus on empowering teachers, the session outlines how AI tools and

techniques can augment teaching practices, leading to enhanced learning experiences and improved outcomes for language learners

Alicja Wujec-Kaczmarek is an experienced English teacher specialising in introducing information and communication technologies into language teaching, a scholarship holder of the U.S. Department of State and a graduate of many methodological courses at home and abroad. She is a certified teacher, matriculation examiner and educator. She has been employed at Opole University and secondary schools in Opole. Moreover, she works as an English language consultant at the Municipal Teacher Training Centre in Opole, where, for the last 12 years, she has designed and run teachers’ training courses on teaching English as a foreign language and ICT in teaching.

Aleksandra Szymańska, PhD, is an English teacher and lecturer working with students of different ages. She is a reviewer and author of exam papers for CKE and a co-author of the Matura Repetytorium published by PWN and Cambridge University Press. She is involved in Erasmus Plus projects incorporating multicultural cooperation. Engaged in introducing technology into the classroom, she is constantly inspired by AI’s new functionalities.


dr Anna Kozioł (warsztat po polsku)

Z AI do egzaminów

Dyplomowana nauczycielka języka angielskiego, redaktorka, autorka, egzaminatorka, aktywna uczestniczka społeczności edukacyjnej. Współtworzyła Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z języka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2022/2023. Specjalizuje się w zagadnieniach związanych z testowaniem i pomiarem językowym. Interesuje się psychologią w zakresie różnic indywidualnych i osobowości.





Dorota Kamińska (UO Opole)

Beyond the coursebook: AI-powered CLIL activities for EFL classrooms

The workshop explores practical applications of ChatGPT for enhancing students’ writing skills in English. Participants will investigate effective integration methods and receive practical tips for utilizing this AI tool to improve teaching practices, ultimately leading to enhanced learning outcomes for language learners.

Dorota Kaminska, MA, is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Opole, where she teaches practical English language skills, English for specific purposes and English teaching methodology classes. Her research interests include CLIL and the use of ICT tools in language teaching.






Krzysztof Mika (Opole University of Technology)

Cybersecurity: Protect yourself in the digital world

PhD student in the second year of Doctoral School in Opole University of Technology and a computer science teacher in LO1 Opole. His research areas include cybersecurity, focusing on methods of assessing security vulnerabilities in database systems. He is a follower of accessible and engaging knowledge, breaking down difficult concepts into simple, real-world examples and his interests are mathematics, computer science, and video games.

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